Klean Paws
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Most of us purchase litter boxes whenever we acquire small pets, especially cats. Litter boxes are the best solutions to the peeing or pooping needs of the pet as they help in maintaining high hygienic standards around the house.
Dogs, too, shouldn’t be left out. The efforts to reduce the frequency at which dogs make trips outside for relief were recognized when manufacturers came up with different boxes that work to take care of dogs’ needs, whenever they need to pee or poop around the house.
It wasn’t something that was done by one manufacturer. Different brands came up with varied designs. There are different litter boxes, and each has been created using the materials preferred by the manufacturer.
You will find that there are a lot of options as soon as you start looking for the right box for your pet. As you take part in the research process, don’t forget to check the specifications of the boxes being sold.
All the boxes have different advantages and disadvantages, depending on the materials used to make the box and the convenience it offers to the user. As you handle your research, feel free to take note of the top-rated dog litter boxes we have included below.
Best Dog Litter Box List
The box is a disposable potty designed by DoggieLawn, a prominent brand. The uniqueness of the box is easily noticed, as it constitutes natural grass. Most manufacturers experience difficulty coming up with such realistic models.
There is no need for cleaning the box, as you can dispose it as soon as you notice that it has served its purpose fully. You will easily notice this as the grass will die. You will be required to make a replacement the moment the old one has been disposed.
The main advantage of the DoggieLawn box is that the grass gives the dog a calm outdoor feel, the kind that the dog only experiences outside. This box is large. Your dog will fit comfortably.
Any odors and urine will be absorbed. The roots of the grass have strong absorbing abilities. Your box will be kept dry, clean and hygienic for the period which it is used.
Klean Paws
The Klean litter box is an indoor asset that works to give you and your beloved pet comfort and convenience. The box can easily be maintained as cleaning processes are not so hard to undertake.
Using it is convenient, for you and the pet. The potty has a grate board at the top. Urine will seep easily through the board to the lower part where padding has been placed. The padding will absorb fluids.
Solid waste is retained on the grate board. The grate feature keeps the dog’s paws clean. They won’t be soaked with wetness. Urine won’t accumulate on the floor. Your house is also kept clean.
The surface of the box is made of synthetic grass. The grass resembles natural grass in every way except functionality. There is no need to find natural grass, as this will do just the trick.
The Sonnyridge potty consists of three layers, all which work to allow the urine to seep through and leave the top part dry and completely odorless. There is a bottom pan where drained urine is collected.
Bacteria won’t accumulate on the grass blades, as the synthetic grass has been treated using microbial coatings. These are quite effective in keeping away bacterial elements. The grass is therefore safe for the dog.
The PuppyGoHere litter box is essentially a pan that resembles the traditional boxes, the ones that are usually designed for cats. The only difference with these is that they are larger and taller on the sides.
The sides of the box are high enough to contain waste. Urine doesn’t spill on the floor. The front part of the pan has been lowered slightly to allow the dog to easily get into the box for a peeing or pooping session.
Pans from PuppyGoHere are sold in six colors. You have quite a variety to choose from. Some dogs prefer bright colors to dull ones. You can always choose on this basis. Training instructions are provided with the box during purchase.
When we start talking about comfort, this is the litter box to go with. It is a convenient option as it is simple and effective. Your dog won’t encounter trouble when pooping or peeing, as the box is friendly and easy to use.
The bottom part of the box is made of durable padding that prevents it from sliding out of place every now and then. The double latch system will also ensure that the pad is locked and doesn’t come out of place.
Cleaning the box is very easy. It will take you less than theory minutes to be precise. The product is molded in the US. All the requirements relating to safety and quality have been met by the manufacturer.
How to choose the best litter box for your dog: factors and specifications
Litter boxes have been constructed in different ways. These items may tend to look the same outwardly. The truth is that, in the real sense, most of them are not the same.
Some boxes are poor quality copies from other brands. Despite the similarity in resemblance, the materials used to make them may not be the same. You need to be extremely keen and cautious as you buy the box.
The boxes differ in designs, structure and the materials used. The only trick that will give you the opportunity to know these properties will be the indulgence in market research opportunities.
The process may be hard to deal with at first, but the more you develop the interest to know, the more you get used to it and the better your chances at winning.
Whenever I need to purchase anything, I always endeavor to compare different products before conclusively deciding which one to pick. Research is a critical process in case you are interested in finding the best litter box for your dog.
Basically, there are five types of litter boxes being sold in current markets.
We shall look at each of the boxes and also the materials used in making each of them. Indoor litter boxes are convenient too. We have considered the convenience benefits that come with them.
Pee pad holders
Most of the pee pad holders being sold in markets are designed using large paper sheets and fabric. Some manufacturers use either. Most of them use both.
The design of the box formed will provide your dog with a comfortable place to pee or poop. Dogs love calmness. A box that seems intimidating may not be a good option. Your pet would require a comfortable environment to pee without causing a mess.
Many dog owners today use these boxes as housebreaking options for their pets. This has proven to work well for a good number of them.
You can still use these boxes as permanent options for your dog. It all depends on the design and material used. In case you need to use an item permanently, it would be a good idea to find one that is made of durable materials.
The downside that has been reported by most users has been the tearing of the paper or fabric of the box. When the dog is peeing, there is a possibility that he or she may flex or play around. As this happens, the paper sheets may be clawed and torn in the process.
It may be difficult to clean the box when it’s torn apart. Various improvements have been done on the boxes. Plastic frames have been used to hold the pads securely. This ensures that the boxes aren’t torn easily by the dog.
Conventional litter box
These are indoor boxes that can be placed anywhere within your house. These ones resemble the boxes designed for use by cats. The existing difference between the two is the elongation in height of the ones built for dogs.
These ones have higher sides. It is a feature that was added to enhance hygienic standards, as urine won’t flow or spill on the floor. The box has not been roofed.
This would be due to the intimidating nature of roofs, as they make the dog feel less secure, even as he or she takes part in the relief process.
A topless box is more comfortable. The dog will be relaxed throughout the session. This litter box is made using bits of paper that has been recycled. It is effective in providing the dog with a convenient option for peeing or pooping.
The only thing you need to do often is to replace the box regularly, because it sometimes develops odor over time, making it hard to clean.
Plastic grates
These ones resemble real grating machines. These, however, are flatter and even on the top. They are low models. When compared to other types of litter boxes, plastic grates are found to be closer to the ground surface and within reach of your pet. They are not too high.
Most boxes in this category are always built in a double structure manner, the padding below and the grate at the top.
These boxes are easy for the dog to get used to. All they need to do is just crawl on the grate, and they are good to go. Besides this, the grates are convenient and comfortable, as their surfaces are flat and even.
Solid waste will be collected on the grate part and urine that has drained will fall through the plastic grate. The lower part is made of a material that has strong absorbing characteristics.
The upside of the plastic grates is that they allow urine to fall through the spaces, leaving the paws of the dog dry and clean. The pads on the lower section soak the liquid that passes through the grate. No fluids spill on the floor.
Natural grass
Some dogs are used to peeing or pooping on grass, natural grass that grows outside. Any other designs of boxes were found to be ineffective with dogs that were used to such boxes.
Manufacturers decided to make things easier for such dogs by designing swatches of natural grass. Boxes containing natural grass provide dogs with calmness and comfort that they only derive from relieving themselves outside.
Real grass in boxes may last between two and three weeks. From this point onwards, it dies and the roots become inactive. A bad odor may develop when dogs pee on grass that has died already.
This grass is real and natural. The only difference of this grass from the one you see outside is that this one designed for litter boxes is grown using hydroponic mechanisms.
This process keeps the litter box clean. In case soil was used, a lot of mess would be created.
Boxes made of natural grass should be replaced regularly. This aspect makes them costlier to maintain, as the lifespan of the grass may be two to three weeks. Real grass works uniquely. Its benefits are much appreciated by dog owners.
Synthetic grass
Natural grass is very effective. However, you will be required to replace it regularly whenever it dries up and dies. It is costly to maintain. A number of brands realized this and decided to come up with synthetic options for this problem.
Synthetic grass is being manufactured currently, with the aim to give dog owners convenient yet affordable options to comfortably suit their dogs' needs. The grass is developed on mat forms that can be spread easily within the litter box.
It works perfectly as an indoor litter box. It looks just like grass, meaning your dog will find it to be as convenient as natural grass. The other distinction of this grass from natural one is the reusable option.
You can use the mat as many times as you wish before disposing it or finding a replacement. Synthetic mats are cheaper as compared to real grass. Reusing it is easier. You can wash the mat using water and soap, leave it to dry and spread it in the box for your dog to enjoy.
The grass doesn’t die like natural grass. Instead, it exists in its synthetic form for a very long time. One problem with the grass is that most dogs chew on the blades of the grass. This is a health hazard as the contents are indigestible and synthetic.
Besides the chewing problem, some dogs aren’t just psyched to use the mat whenever they need to pee or poop. I feel like it doesn’t give them the right feel to it.
The convenience of dog litter boxes
We have looked at the different litter boxes you can get today. Despite how the models differ in structure and functionality, we still realize that their advantages are incomparably helpful to dogs and their owners.
Dog owners living in apartments
An indoor litter box for your dog makes relief sessions convenient and time-saving. In case you are residing in a high rise apartment, you may be aware of the inconveniences that coke with the same, especially the ones related to movement, up and down the building.
Moving with your dog through the flight of stairs or the elevator every time he or she needs to pee is frustrating. A litter box around your home would save you this problem, by minimizing the frequency at which you let your dog out and back.
Am an indoor litter box is an asset that gives you convenience like no other. Sometimes you may be experiencing mobility issues, such that you can’t move around as much. Your life becomes easier with the box in place.
There will be no need to get up or walk around taking care of your dog and it’s need to go out to pee. All you will be required to do will be to place the potty at a convenient place around the home and you are done. Minimal moving involved!
Controlling the bladder
Smaller dogs with small bladders find it hard to control their bladders. The urge to pee is stronger in them than in large dogs. An indoor box will be a valuable asset in your home for your small pet.
To make the process easier, you can train your dog to use the litter box whenever the urge to pee develops.
A litter box for your dog does not work as a permanent solution to your dog’s urge to pee or poop. All it does is just reduce the frequency at which the dog makes trips outside.
These boxes will help when dealing with recovering dogs and also when living in areas that have bad weather. Areas that experience heavy snow force you to put on heavy clothing before making your way outside.
You may be required to dress your dog in boots every time you go out, to prevent the biting frost from killing the dog. A recovering dog may experience difficulty moving around. The litter box will minimize movement and help in the healing process.
We have a lot of options to consider, but we would recommend the PuppyGoHere box. It has high sidewalls that prevent the spilling of urine or fluids on the floor. There is an entry point through which the dog can make it’s way comfortably.
Training guides will make sure that your dogs learn the right and safest ways to pee or poop without experiencing difficulty. The boxes are lightweight and are sold in six colors.